All of us Pro’s had an absolute BLAST in Fresno this year! The weather was incredible, the competition was intense and all of the Pro’s were really impressed to see the level of play that the younger girls showed!

On more than one occasion I heard my teammates discussion how great it is to see young players really playing because they simply LOVE softball! We talked about how we missed the days of big scrunchies and snacks after games, the days filled with caravans to the field and team songs on the car ride up!

So from all of us PFX pro’s to all of you girls out there that play softball because they love it, we’d like to say THANK YOU. Thank you for reminding us all that we are doing what we love, and we are very lucky to be doing it!

Here are a few shots from a great weekend; Enjoy and I hope to see you in Tucson!

❤ Paige Lowe #4

Hi Everyone and thanks for checking out the PFX Tour’s official BLOG page! Be sure to check back for the latest news, photos, videos, interviews with the pro’s and MORE! Feel free to leave comments, ask questions and interact with your favorite Pro’s, we look forward to hearing from you and hopefully will get a chance to meet everyone at a future Tour Stop!

~ Paige A. Lowe #4